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Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Trivia Time 5!!

 'Great success is built on failure, frustration, even catastrophe!'

Take the great inventor of the light bulb - Thomas Edison for example:

When a reporter asked him, "How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?"

To this, Edison replied, "I didn't fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps."

Welcome back to my blog my trivia-buddies! Here are today's three trivia questions for you to reason on... And, as mentioned - Success is built on failures! So, do comment your answers too!
All the best!๐Ÿ‘

1. What is the largest desert on earth?

2. Our bodies need iron! Where in the body is most of the iron found?

3. Which is the strongest fundamental force in the universe?


1. The Antarctic Desert is the largest desert on earth spread over 14 million square kilometres (5.4 million square miles)! 98% of Antarctica is covered in ice!

➪Deserts aren't always those with really high temperatures. Deserts are characterised by aridity, extremes of temperature (either very high or very low), and high wind velocity.

2. Most of the iron in our body is present in the Red Blood Cells (RBCs) of our blood! A pigment called haemoglobin is mainly responsible for giving our blood the red colour and this haemoglobin constitutes most of the iron of our body! This iron-constituting pigment is responsible to the transport of oxygen from the lungs to all the tissues of the body.
➪Myoglobin is one more iron-and-oxygen binding protein found in the skeletal muscular tissue of our body and is distantly related to haemoglobin. It functions as an oxygen-storage unit, providing oxygen to the working muscles.
➪Small amounts of iron are also present in the immunocytes that are essential for the activation and proliferation of the immune cells.
➪Iron is also found in the liver as it performs a major role in iron homeostasis. It is the main organ for the production of the iron regulatory hormone hepcidin.
➪Iron is also stored in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin in the bone marrow, spleen, deodenum and other anatomic areas of the body.

3. Strong Nuclear Force is the strongest fundamental force in nature. It is the force that binds the fundamental particles of matter together to form larger particles. It holds together the quarks that make up protons and neutrons, and part of the strong force also keeps the protons and neutrons of an atom's nucleus together. The strong nuclear force is 6 x 10^39 times stronger than the gravitational force of the earth!

The strongest power of mankind is knowledge!


Sunday, April 25, 2021

Trivia Time 4!!

"The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge."

Hello my fellow inquisitive learners! Hope you're doing great on your staircase to Success. Here are today's three trivia questions for you to crack...

1. What is the highest mountain in the universe?

2. How much air does an average adult breathe in a day?

3. What is the coldest temperature possible in the universe?

"Letting others light their candles from your candle of knowledge doesn't make your candle less brighter!"

So, do comment the answers to the trivia questions too!
I'll post the answers on 27th April (Tuesday).. So till then, wishing you Best of Luck!๐Ÿ‘



1. Scientists have observed that the galaxies other than ours are moving away from us, day by day! This clearly proves that our universe is expanding! And, believe it or not, astronomers estimate there to be billions of planets in the universe, most of which we haven't explored yet!
➪So, we could never know what the highest mountain in the universe is for the universe is changing every second holding millions of possibilities!
➪If the question had been - 'What is the highest mountain in our solar system?', the answer would be 'Olympus Mons - a large volcano on Mars with its height as 22km'.

➪Whereas if the question had been - 'What is the highest mountain on earth?', the answer would be '8.849 km high Mount Everest located on the Nepal-China border'.

➪But, the tallest mountain on earth is Mauna Kea! Taking its height from the base is 10.21 km but only 4.207 km of it is visible above sea.

2. An average adult breathes about 11,000 litres of air per day!
*Note that its about an average adult, so the number for any individual might be a bit up or down*

3. The coldest temperature possible in the universe is -273 degree Celsius / -459.4 degree Fahrenheit / 0 Kelvin. This is called the 'Absolute Zero'.

➪Temperature and heat are a measure of how much energy a particle has to jiggle with. And since, you cannot move any less than not moving at all which requires the lowest energy and temperature, the Absolute Zero is the lowest temperature anything can be!
➪The place with the lowest temperature yet discovered is Boomerang Nebula of the Centaurus constellation with its temperature equal to 1K which is very close to the absolute zero.

And remember:
'Curiosity is the mother of invention'
So, always be curious!:)

Trivia Time 11 *Different Eye Colours*

Greetings to you my trivia buddies! Welcome back to another post! Today we will be exploring the mystery behind the different colours of eye...