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View my posts to face more and more of such questions and unravel the mysteries behind them!

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Trivia Time!! 1

Here are today's three trivia questions... Do comment the answers!!
The answers would be posted on 16th April, 2021 (Friday).
All the best!!👍

1. Which is the longest word in English and what does it mean?

2. Which is the most populated city in the world as per 2021?

3. What is the value of pi?


1. The longest word in English is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters!
It is a technical word referring to a lung disease more commonly called silicosis.

2. The most populated city in the world as per 2021 is Tokyo with its population as almost 14 million.

3. Pi is an irrational number and its exact value isn't known to man yet! 
Its approximate value is taken as (22/7) or 3.14 only for easy mensuration calculations.

Monday, April 12, 2021

Hello! I'm Yashvi... Do you like fun facts?

 The World is full of Mysteries

The world we live in is full of adventures, discoveries and inventions🌏. The moment you just learn about something, the possibilities of unlocking something even greater knocks at your door🚪...

Well, basically what I mean to say is that the secrets of the universe are infinite∞. And, its impossible for man to know them all!

So, why don't we try to know and understand as many facts as we can in the form of a TRIVIA game!?🙋

The rules are pretty simple, I'll post some trivia fun fact questions every Wednesday and Sunday, and you will have to answer them in the comments section. I will post the answers of the trivia questions on Friday (answers to Wednesday questions) and Tuesday (answers to Sunday questions).

And, for a bonus (even though today's a Monday!), here are three trivia questions... Do comment the answers!!👀 (I'll post the answers tomorrow - Tuesday) 
Best of Luck👍

1. Nikola Tesla proposed the World Wireless System which laid the foundation for the invention of _______________.

2. What is the shape of the universe?

3. Why do we sense pain (when we touch something hot or sharp)?


1. Nikola Tesla proposed the World Wireless System which laid the foundation for the invention of the Internet
-Scientists around 1900 proposed that one day we would have a network of information which could be accessed worldwide. 
-Nikola Tesla in the early 1900s proposed a world wireless system that he claimed could transmit energy all around the globe.
-On these grounds, the internet was developed by the end the 1900s by modern scientists.

2. The universe is proposed to be curved, like the surface of the seat on the back of a horse (saddle).
[however there are many theories regarding the same]

3. Our body has nerve cells (or neurons) that transmit the messages (including pain) from our body parts to the brain. The pain is actually sensed when these messages reach the brain via the nerve cells.

Trivia Time 11 *Different Eye Colours*

Greetings to you my trivia buddies! Welcome back to another post! Today we will be exploring the mystery behind the different colours of eye...